Saturday 18 June 2011


Aquaponics growing system is a mix of hydroponics and aquaculture system that allows the symbiotic relationship between the plants and fish. The plants could grow without any soil while all the nutrients are delivered straight to the roots via water. Any waste products released by the fish in this man-made environment will absorb by the plant and in return, the clean water will go back to the raising fish.

If you want to learn about 3 tips to build your own aquaponics growing system, then you should read this article up till the end. What we are going to discuss here is mainly about some tips on what should you consider in building your aquaponics growing system. By taking full advantage of reading this article, you should get some ideas along the way to run yours. 

Let’s begin with the first tip. As to build the great aquaponics growing system, you must have to choose the appropriate location. If you try to run the system either indoor or outdoor, do consider about the environmental temperatures. Your system also needs to be fully exposed to the sunlight as to help on protecting your equipment and plants from animals and severe weather conditions. 

Secondly, you have to ensure the proper growth and health of your aquaponics growing system plants and aquaculture by supplying plenty of oxygen to your system. Thus, you need to oxygenize the water constantly as to make sure your aquaponics growing system have all the "comfort" that they need for. You may use an air pump in the tubing system as to allow much more oxygen supply to support the well-growing of the system.

Lastly, the garden of your aquaponics growing system should have to consist with the proper growing medium beside of soil. Normally, gardener will do not make use any of dusty or clay based rocks as to avoid any clogging in the tubing system plus the growth of ammonia by improper clean. Try to use washed river rock or gravel as to help the growing of your garden. 

To sum up, try to consider all the three tips above as to ensure the wellness growth of your aquaponics growing system. Again, you have to choose the appropriate location for your aquaponics growing system, supplying plenty of oxygen onto it and use the proper growing medium to get the great aquaponics growing system by your own. After finish reading this article, nothing will change unless you take an action now!

*picture from:

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