Thursday 23 June 2011


Aquaponics growing system that may be placed indoors or outdoors is not too difficult to setup by your own. You can purchase the ready-made kit aquaponics growing system or buy the components from the nearest hardware store and build it yourself.

What are the basic things you need to build an aquaponics growing system?

At first, you need a fish tank or pond to setup the system. Whether it is big or small, it is depends on where you want to put the aquaponics growing system and what is your plan for the future. If you wish to be bigger as you want to be one of the organic suppliers, you have to plan it now!

Next things would be the plants that you want to grow like lettuce or tomato. As to choose what to grow with aquaponics, you have to consider the overall space, your goals and type of water flow through the aquaponics growing system.

Lastly would be the water pump and filtration unit that you have to use in order to run your aquaponics growing system. These two things are crucial as they will help you on maintaining the system in balance level.  

Thus, you must decide your scope of your project so that you may determine the type of flow and filtration systems you should need. Others, you might consider the room you dedicate to use for the aquaponics growing system project and the amount of time you can dedicate for further maintenance. 

Since building an aquaponic growing system is very tempting, thus the smart way to do is by doing a lot of research before you begin. Just start it with a small scale and then grow it bigger. What I have done for the first step is start investing in a guide that will show me step by step in details instructions as to build the first aquaponics growing system.
Let’s learn how to grow your own aquaponicsgrowing system and eat healthier. It is the easy and simple way to go green. Have a try!

picture from:

Sunday 19 June 2011


Aquaponics growing system is the best suggested way by today professional gardener as to get into organic food growth. This system is very easy to set up and can be run either at your home backyard or as one of your indoor small garden.

As such, it is really good for you to start with a small aquaponics growing system at first if you are totally in the beginner level. Why? This is because you are easy to make much more mistakes than the expert one. Thus, lose a few fish is rather than a whole pond full, right?

Here are some tips on aquaponics growing system for beginners:

1. Suitable location
Firstly, you must look for the best location of your fish tank or pond. It is said that outdoors location is vital because you could get an algae attack if the system is wrong in place. Since the presence of sunlight will help the healthier growth of your aquaponics growing system, it is not means to keep your fish direct to the sunlight as to avoid from any algae attack. 

2. Healthy fish
Furthermore, aquaponics growing system requires your fish to be healthy in order to perform properly. Thus, you have to ensure those bubbles keep flowing in your tank using a pump system. Also be careful not to overfeed your fish or it may die.

3. Water requirements
As to keep the survival of your aquaponics growing system, it is important to use a filtration system and/or water additives as to neutralize the water. Kindly check the water pH, Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate levels; pH 7 to 7.5 is a good range for the pH use in your system. You also have to consider the temperature of water which is critical for your fish to survive. A fluctuating temperature might give a sudden shock to the fish. Thus, keep with the right level of temperature as to bring them a happy life!

4. Chemicals Usage
Unlike hydroponics system, aquaponics growing system is a great thing because there are no chemicals needed for your plants. Since your fish will provide with all the nutrients that your plants need, thus there is no worries about any chemicals thing that might affect your small garden. However, you may have to add some natural growth food if you do not have enough fish.

Seems too easy right? That's the easiness tips to consider for the beginners in order to grow their fresh food as to feed the whole family twice over. Let’s set up you own aquaponics growing system that really give you rewards and fun venture by this proper aquaponics growing system guide. Have a try!

*picture from:

Saturday 18 June 2011


Aquaponics growing system is a new form of farming which has arisen through a combination of aquaculture and hydroponics. When these two systems are combined, both systems compliment each other to create a system that works with nature via a symbiotic relationship between the plants and fish.

Thus, have you consider on running an aquaponics growing system at your home before? If not, you are always welcome to get some idea on why you should have an aquaponics growing system at your home by reading this article neatly. Perhaps it would be the starting point along your way to setup your own!

Firstly, you would know exactly the level of freshness of your fish and vegetables. Aquaponics growing system will provide you the natural and really tastes vegetables as they are fed on the organic fish waste. It is really differed with hydroponics as the end product can taste a little chemically caused of the usage of nutrient solution.

Besides that, aquaponics growing system is also an easy system of farming to maintain. You only have to keep maintain the water right along with the right water pH between 7 to 7.5 and the right temperature for the aquaculture life. You also have to keep the fish healthiness and just look after the growing system day by day.

Lastly, aquaponics growing system also is one of the way how you can save money. They don't cost much money to operate once you have setup them. You can cut cost of the time and expense of travelling to the market all the weeks. The biggest expense might be the fish food, but the fish and vegetables that produce later will cover all your cost if your system is well-run. 

As a conclusion, aquaponics growing system is an easy activity which will provide you with the necessary vegetables and fish in a short time. All the benefit above will lead you to have a great success in your attempt to grow organic food in your home. Have a try!

*picture from:


Aquaponics growing system is a mix of hydroponics and aquaculture system that allows the symbiotic relationship between the plants and fish. The plants could grow without any soil while all the nutrients are delivered straight to the roots via water. Any waste products released by the fish in this man-made environment will absorb by the plant and in return, the clean water will go back to the raising fish.

If you want to learn about 3 tips to build your own aquaponics growing system, then you should read this article up till the end. What we are going to discuss here is mainly about some tips on what should you consider in building your aquaponics growing system. By taking full advantage of reading this article, you should get some ideas along the way to run yours. 

Let’s begin with the first tip. As to build the great aquaponics growing system, you must have to choose the appropriate location. If you try to run the system either indoor or outdoor, do consider about the environmental temperatures. Your system also needs to be fully exposed to the sunlight as to help on protecting your equipment and plants from animals and severe weather conditions. 

Secondly, you have to ensure the proper growth and health of your aquaponics growing system plants and aquaculture by supplying plenty of oxygen to your system. Thus, you need to oxygenize the water constantly as to make sure your aquaponics growing system have all the "comfort" that they need for. You may use an air pump in the tubing system as to allow much more oxygen supply to support the well-growing of the system.

Lastly, the garden of your aquaponics growing system should have to consist with the proper growing medium beside of soil. Normally, gardener will do not make use any of dusty or clay based rocks as to avoid any clogging in the tubing system plus the growth of ammonia by improper clean. Try to use washed river rock or gravel as to help the growing of your garden. 

To sum up, try to consider all the three tips above as to ensure the wellness growth of your aquaponics growing system. Again, you have to choose the appropriate location for your aquaponics growing system, supplying plenty of oxygen onto it and use the proper growing medium to get the great aquaponics growing system by your own. After finish reading this article, nothing will change unless you take an action now!

*picture from: